A Tradition of Assisting with Pride
Some of their responsibilities include the following:
Assisting students at tournaments and football games (uniform adjustments, pluming, etc).
Helping keep the students hydrated at tournaments and football games.
Traveling with students on the buses.
Above all, ensuring the safety and well-being of all students
Interested in becoming a Chaperone?
Please complete this short INTEREST FORM for additional information on chaperoning for the 2020/2021 year.
Helpful Information
Suggested Items to Bring
The following is a list of items proven to be helpful at tournaments.
Cell Phone
Battery Pack (for charging phone)
Leatherman Tool
Water Bottle(s)
Hair Ties and Pins
Safety Pins
Hand Sanitizer
Mandatory CJUHSD Screening
For the safety of all of our students and in compliance with the Chaffey Joint Union High School District we will be requiring all persons serving as a chaperone to complete the district fingerprint screening process before volunteering to work with students. We understand this may be an inconvience but we are sure you understand the well-being of our students is our priority.
If you have been cleared (fingerprinted) through your place of work you will still be required to go through the CJUHSD process.
You will be required to complete a TB test. This can be done through your healthcare provider. You will then schedule an appointment with the school district office to complete your paperwork. From there they will send you to your choice of business that offers Live Scan.
To begin this process, please contact Michelle McMahon so she may submit your name to our band director and CJUHSD Administration.