If you wish to submit payment you may do so using one of the following methods:
- Make an electronic payment through PayPal by clicking the appropriate button below:
(IMPORTANT: If your donation is to be applied as credit to a particular student be sure when you see "Add special instructions:" you enter the name of the student and the purpose of the donation. i.e. - MER Fair Share Donation, Clothing Payment, etc. See sample below.)
- Send payment to the band box in the EHS band room (we accept checks or money orders made payable to EHS Bands, or cash). Make sure you designate the student associated with the payment as well as the purpose for the payment (e.i. - fair share donation, clothing, Pancake Fundraiser, tickets to an event, etc).
- Send payment to the booster PO Box 327, Etiwanda, CA 91739. Make sure you designate the student associated with the payment as well as the purpose for the payment (e.i. - fair share donation, clothing, Pancake Fundraiser, tickets to an event, etc).